суббота, 25 июля 2015 г.

Back to USSR: July 1985 – Steps of Acceleration

We start July 85 review by internal political news.

2nd of July newspapers inform about a Plenum of Central Committee of CPSU.

The session debated an organizational issues.
Plenum granted comrade Romanov’s request to dispense him from duties at Political Buro and as a secretary of Central Committee. (This was the fall of comrade Romanov)
 Plenum appointed two new secretaries of Central Committee – B.Yeltsin and L.Zaikov.
Comrade E.Shevardnadze becomes a member of Political Buro.
New faces - Yeltsin ...

.... Shevardnadze ....
....and Zaikov

3rd of July Supreme Soviet of USSR elects A.Gromyko the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet – this was a position of “Soviet president”, largely ceremonial. 
 Comrade Gorbachev becomes a member of Presidium, and Shevardnadze – the minister of Foreign Affairs.

This were the steps of forming a team, loyal to Gorbachev.

After this events Gorbachev went to Belorussia, where he had a meeting with a “senior executives of Soviet army”. (i, 12.07.85)

What about economics?
Here are headlines of a front pages of July newspapers
- Steps of Acceleration
- In union with science
- Reliability and Quality
- We need a new form of management
- Shock work at Hay time
- Steps of 5-year plan
- Alcoholism – get out!
- Be prudent!
- For sobriety as a way of life
- Thrift is actual
- Communists fight for a thrift and economy
- Are we ready for harvest?

“Pravda” publishes a big article about Reconstruction. “Reconstruction” was on of three priorities of 1985 along with Perestroika (Reform) and Uskorenie (Acceleration), but later was forgotten.
“Heading of Reconstruction
Our country achieved a big success in different spheres of economics…
But the modern demands do not allow us to be satisfied by achieved.
The equipment at some plants is old, 50 mln.people  are involved into manual labor, maintenance sphere is overblown, some production has a low quality.
There are too many construction projects in the country. To complete all of them, without starting a new one, will take five or six years.  (P, 12.07.85)

Soviet economist Otto Latsis writes about Perestroika in “Izvestia”
Perestroika is a key in party plans of economic development. Perestroika of structure of manufacture, perestroika of planning, perestroika of motivation, perestroika of mindset. (i, 25.07.85)

«Komsomolka» explains the national targets in article by economist P.Bunich ‘The strategy of exploring”.
 (KP, 9.07.85)

So, all central newspapers set the priorities to Soviet citizens.

Newspapers regularly inform readers about activity of Limited Soviet Contingent in Afghanistan.
Here is an example:
“TASS – A pilot half-colonel Ochirov is awarded a Hero of Soiet Union for heroizm. This man is also awarded the afghan medal Military virtue”.”
Then comes the story about the battle with mujahideen.
My choice - quotation of the month:
 «Of course, it is not easy to gain the acceleration of scientific-technical progress. But when soviet people were afraid of a difficulties?” Geller, worker of a plant, Birobidzhan (i, 2.07.85)

That is all about policy. It is summer! To be continued…

i – Izvestia/Известия
W – The week/Неделя
O – Ogonek/Огонек
P – Pravda/Правда
KP – Komsomolskaya Pravda/”Komsomolka”/Комсомольская Правда

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