среда, 22 июля 2015 г.

USSR – 30 years ago (1985-1991)

About this project

Dear reader!
Do you want to travel Time machine?
I will take to Soviet Union – the country that existed – but is gone!

The old newspapers and magazines will take us there.

Why do I do it?
To amuse you, to entertain you, and if you know not much about USSR of that period – to present you some facts.
But there is one more objective:
From first speeches of Gorbachev in 1985 to December of 1991, when red flag slowly went down from Kremlin flagstaff – the life and mind of soviet citizens changed dramatically. Facts, events, opinions – it changed so fast!
My aim is to follow this changes month by month to try to understand the mindset and motivation of Soviet people. Because mind explains the actions.

So, let us start from summer 1985

Yours, Nikolai

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