воскресенье, 16 августа 2015 г.

Back to USSR: July 1985. “The atmosphere of dissidence”

International news at July 1985 presented a set of subjects, well-known for soviet reader: USA “invasion” to Nicaragua, partisan battles in Salvador, Mehmet Ali Ağca process at Italy, apartheid in South Africa.

Reagan’s visit to Europe was completely unsuccessful, as newspapers say. But at the same time they publish a congratulations of Soviet government, addressed Reagan on Independence day.

Another popular subject – Reagan’s “Star wars” program.
“70 leading British scientists plan to refuse to participate in U.S. program.” (i, 3.07.85)
Every issue of Pravda and Izvestia has a cartoon about Star Wars program.

In July 1985 soviet people got to know about Sun Myung Moon.
 “Early parole”
"A well known CIA minion, south Korean priest Sun Myung Moon, who helped Washington wheel and deal, is set free from jail” (i, 6.07.85)

Komsomolskaya Pravda says: “Be careful! Moons sect!" (KP, 06.07.85)
But this appeal for carefulness was a bit excessive: soviet people had no chance to meet with Moon and his church.

“Izvestia” quotes an opinion of Italian newspaper “Corriere della sera” about meeting of leaders of EEC:
“The atmosphere of dissidence”
 “As it was expected, so called “European union” died before born. The heads of Common Market buried this idea without tears”.
 (i, 1.07.85) Wasn't Italian newspaper too hasty :) ?

Shooting at children
“Israel occupants continue vandalize in South Lebanon.”
 (i, 9.07.85)

“Death Factory – that is what happened to California on account of industrial-military system of USA” (P, 16.07.85)
California, suffering for military system

“Strong demonstration took place in mining town Darem against the anti-national policy of British government”(i, 16.07.85)

“Africa – anxiety and hopes”
“Africans clearly see the difference between altruistic help from Moscow and selfish desires of Washington. They understand that there no way together with imperialistic, reagan’s America, and only the breach with capitalism and transfer to socialism can help Africa to solve that great problems it meets today”
 (О, №28)

Here are good news:
“Hunting for Big-foot”
“Bill Grant is searching for Yeti for 5 years. Going to his last expedition, he said it was to be a last attempt. But, after he returned from Himalaya with no result, a persistent british hunter told to raggers that his chances are high. Next October he will go back to mountains again” (i, 11.07.85)

i – Izvestia/Известия
W – The week/Неделя
O – Ogonek/Огонек
P – Pravda/Правда
KP – Komsomolskaya Pravda/”Komsomolka”/Комсомольская Правда

Previous post: http://nigula-spb.blogspot.ru/2015/08/back-to-ussr-july-1985-boy-that-stayed.html

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